March 4, 2010 | Short Order

Burgermaven muses on South Beach WFF Burger slam and other fabulousness

        Burgermaven sends notes from last week's SoBe Food & Wine Festival:

       Burger Bash is almost too much now.  It used to be 18 chefs and has expanded to 26 stations this year. The line for Morimoto was the width of the tent. Waiting 20 minutes for a quarter of a burger didn't make sense. They need to limit the number of people somehow.
       The winner of best was Michael Symon, who paired a great burger with a mini Reuben on top (pastrami, Swiss and coleslaw). One bite and I told him: You've got the prize this year.  I have been right three of the last four years. 
       I want to add that Jeff Chodorow's son Zach has developed an excellent burger using La Frieda's meat concoction. One bite and it was "wow". The only negative: They don't serve it at any of their China Grill Group restaurants.
       Friday's Best of Best at Fountainbleu: 40 top chefs; 19 top Champagnes and 40 top vintner's in a glamorous setting.  This is a highly worthwhile event.  Limited number of attendees and you could get food or wine at any venue.
       I met Naomi Pomeroy from Portland's Beast restaurant.  I predict she will be a chef to be recognized nationally.  Only 35 and she has her act together.  The concept as I understand is similar to my dream restaurant of 45 years ago in New Orleans:  Corrine Dunbar's.   No menu - only one main entree -- and limited seating.  It was perfect.  Naomi has done that at Beast.  Two seatings with only 24 people.  She changes her menu once a week.  And it is fixed!  She said she is sold out for one year in advance.

       Carol Wallack with her Hawaiian infusion food.  Melt in your mouth meat from Allen Brothers with a truffle oil.  She has cooked at James Beard House and was the winner of the best fries at last year's Burger Bash.  This year she was at Best of Best.  In Chicago her Sunday Luau is sold out.  Why go to Hawaii when you can go a few miles from downtown Chicago?
       Mindy Segal, also from Chicago, brought her restaurant namesake specialty: HOT CHOCOLATE!  Everyone talked about it.  And cookies galore.  Mindy was just nominated as the best pastry chef by James Beard Foundation for 3rd or 4th year in a row. She will be the winner soon.
       Frank Randazzo and his wife Andrea Curto-Randazzo have put together a new Miami hot spot, Talula.  I enjoyed their tastings at Best of Best.  So I brought some people to their famous Sunday Brunch.  Wonderful.
       Finally, I went to Doug Rodriguez’s Ola which just got a 27 from Zagat. Nobu, Joe's Stone Crab, and now Ola are Miami’s top rated for food.  Ola is tiny -- 75 seats. It can be a little expensive but definitely worth a try.
       Oh I tried a great burger in Miami Beach that was NOT on the Burger Bash but other chefs told me it was good.  "Burger and Beer" at Bay and 18th.  Wow!  This is definitely a worthwhile place and the Burgermaven would highly recommend it.   (I witnessed a 15 pound Burger brought to a table too).  Just do the top listed burger with bacon and cheese.  Have it medium rare -- about 12 oz of extremely tasty meat.  The onion rings are a must.

Skip Becker
The Burgermaven

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